This was my first destination wedding photography in Cyprus, but Nadia & Theo's wedding in Nicosia was a pure pleasure to photograph. Nadia and Theo agreed with my suggestion to do the wedding photography before the church ceremony so that they can spend more time with their family and friends thereafter. For the more creative wedding photos we went to an old renovated monastery in Nicosia which had beautiful grounds and scenery. The Greek orthodox wedding ceremony took place in a modern but nevertheless beautifully ornated church in Nicosia which was followed by a lavish party for 400 guests in the Hilton hotel in the centre of Nicosia. I can still taste those amazing king prawns and all the delicacies.
Wedding photography in Cyprus and in fact any traditional Greek wedding is a difficult task when you have to photograph the couple congratulating more than 300 guests, but these weddings are always tremendous fun. I look forward to wedding photography in Cyprus or in Greece.
For further information on destination wedding photography in Cyprus and to view our portfolio of wedding photography in Central London, Europe, France, Monaco, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Zurich and Russia please visit www.NeliPrahova.com or contact Neli on nprahova@gmail.com.