A couple of weeks ago I had my first opportunity for a gay photography session in London. I have trained with a New York wedding photographer who does a lot of gay and lesbian wedding photography jobs and I remember him saying that same-sex wedding photography is often more rewarding as the gay couples are often more eager to pose for a more creative wedding photography session.
I've always been very open minded and I would have no issues to do a same sex wedding photography. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to be the wedding photographer for Eric and Daniel's wedding as their gay wedding didn't take place in the UK.
Eric and Daniel are a lovely couple and were very relaxed about the poses so I can just imagine that a gay wedding photography would probably be even easier to photograph than a regular wedding.
Eric and Daniel loved the photos and immediately put them on their facebook profiles. I hope that next time one of their gay or lesbian friends decide to get married I will have the opportunity for a same sex wedding photography in London. A lot of gay couples prefer to get married abroad in a more intimate atmosphere and with my extensive destintion wedding photography I will only be too happy to offer my services to gay couples for a same-sex destination wedding photography.
For further information on same sex wedding photography, gay wedding photography, lesbian wedding photography and civil partnership wedding photography and to view our portfolio of wedding photography in London, Europe, France, Monaco, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Zurich and Russia please visit www.NeliPrahova.com or contact Neli on nprahova@gmail.com.